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Why YOU need to join our VIP Club

What is the VIP Club?

Escape Games Canada has a new program; we call it the VIP Club and it’s everything you’ve been waiting for. After years of requests for a loyalty program, we decided that it was time to listen and the VIP Club was born! You might be asking yourself, what are the benefits of joining? Will I get flooded with useless emails? Are the offers really worth it? We want you to make an educated decision about whether or not to sign up, so here’s everything you need to know about the new Escape Games Canada VIP Club!

We won’t spam you

Escape Games didn’t start our VIP Club to send out a million emails. In fact, we don’t really send many emails at all! The VIP Club exists to thank our customers who regularly support us. If you are part of the Club, keep an eye on our social media, like our Facebook where we’ll run exclusive contests. Club members will get the chance to beta-test new games, attend exclusive events, and take advantage of special discounts. We even gave away some boardgames recently, just for fun!

Save some cash

What better way to say thank you to our best customers than by offering them some savings? We already have an awesome promotion for people who are celebrating their birthdays, but we sweetened the deal for our VIP members! Plus, we love surprises (as anyone who has played here knows), so sometimes we’ll spring a surprise sales or promotions on our VIPs.

Exclusive access!

The best perk is arguably the early access to new missions. As we build new games, we’re offering our VIP Club the rare opportunity to beta-test or have early access when the mission opens. This is unprecedented since we’ve never offered beta-testing to anyone but friends of the facility before we introduced this program! We are also running exclusive contests and only people signed up to the VIP Club will be eligible.


So that’s it. That’s what our VIP Club has to offer. If this sounds good to you, then you should join. Signing up is easy, just head over to our home page and click on the VIP Club button. Once you fill in the form, you’re in! Don’t worry if you don’t get a confirmation email, as we said before, we don’t want to spam you. Once you’re a member, you can just sit back and wait for all of our sweet offers to roll in!